ohyea today and yesterday are fun days
let me do abit of summary of today first.
yea so the sky was still
yah so it was like raining the whole day.
made me cold and all -.-
and wet.
first lesson was chinese test -.-
i studied until 12:15 am yesterday night
in the end i still crapped some answers on the paper.
and i chose questions 1,2 and 5 and i realised nobody chose question 5?
yea whatever the test is over anyway. not sure how'll they'll mark it but i'm abit afraid though.
woah then EMATHS.
Mr Hamdan did not come yesterday and today! yay!
hahaha, NOT!.
me and felicia were chatting all the way haha!
homework shall be left for later since he has a second lesson with us (:
yay crapping with felicia was fun xD
next up BIO! we learnt loads of stuff about cells, like
chromatin and
golgi apparatus and
endoplasmic reticulum
ohmygod all those cheem terms!
but bio's fun yea (:
miss poh is fun and her apple com is so nice! :D
yup learnt loads during this lesson!
her lessons are nice
i mean talking about
she even showed us many videos 0.O
plus those ohsocute animals
why are there so many cute things on earth that makes me go googoogaagaa and crazy?
yay cute is The word hah.
ohoh then english had presentations
ohwell so mine sucks like hell compared to other people's i think
wdvr i'm not liking english and our teacher who goes like
"morning class"
haha damn hilarious!
all the 2D people will know haha!
then RECESS.
nothing much. sat with the 2D people again cause i love them sosososo much i just don't want to be seperated from them. 2D i Love You!
woah its not as if the teacher's boring. actually she's kinda nice.
but i was half asleep
yea cause i slept at 1++ yesterday night.
i wonder when will i start sleeping early? -.-
maths was crap cause no teacher was here.
felicia and i did our chem worksheet and all?
amaths was boring
did simultaneous equations.
at least no graphs
i detest graphs
i detest graphs
i detest graphs
no, seriously.
i hate graphs to the core.
it is one of the reasons why i hate physics THAT much.
and please mrs goh. come back and teach us!
you're the best maths teacher on earth!
i mean seriously!
then SS!
the thought of SOCIAL STUDIES dont' amuse me much
but our teacher ms khoo amuses me!
she was like teaching us the difference between a country a nation and a state.
then she suddenly sang national day songs!
"one people, one Nation, one Singapore!"
lol she's very fun!
then she gave us some MI test to do.
to see which type of person we are.
let me show you my scores!
1) verbal/linguistic : 6/10
2) Logical/Mathematical: 3/10
3) visual/Spatial: 10/10
4) Bodily/Kinesthetic: 6/10
5) Musical/Rhythmic: 6/10
6) Interpersonal: 6/10
7) Intrapersonal: 3/10
8) Naturalist: 6/10
as you can see,
i'm most pathetic in Logical/Mathematical and Intrapersonal
im probably better in spatial LoL.
3 marks in mathematical -.-
i'm just not born for marks huh?
yea so after school i ate lunch with kaiying and leongying
then leongying and i went back up to class to do chinese assignments
lol the class was really empty!
we stopped at 3:15 and it was raining -.-
walked downhill with leongying and kaiying, where all three of us shared an umbrella lol. got sorta wet yea.
end of today.
anyway its erica's birthday today!
you're fifteen years old!
how time flies! i'll be fifteen in..
6 months 22 days!
30 june!
*hints* lol
then was YESTERDAY
damn funny durin sel!
ms koh asked us to ask questions that teenagers faced and we were supposed to exchange or papers within our groups
me felicia grace germaine were in a group
then we say hilarious questions like
1) i have BO and deoderants dont help! what should i do?
we went like, go blame your hormones! haha!
another group went: go put cloth under your armpits so you dno't stink!
then one was like, if your friends mind your BO they aren't true friends
like, LOL! :D it was hilarious
another group's question:
2) teenagers behave intimately in public. how should we stop this from hapenning?
answer? damn funny!
one went: oh. refrain from doing that in public. do it at home instead.
like HUH?! what type of education is this HAHA!
oh next one,
3) alot of teens are having BGR, how do we stop that?
then one group went: don't tell parents lah. -.-
haha so much for our wonderful answers! made me laughh like siao!
haha ^o^
oh then nothing much for the rest of the day (:
so that was today and yesterday.
hilarious! :D
3L'07! (:
k now i'm gonna do my homework -.-
SS hw and MATHS.
plus finish reading san guo yan yi!
lol like i'm finishing .-
i'm not even halfway done?!?!
haha die~
kk listen to music yay!
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